14 febrero 2012

...times are changing

...sólo a modo de nota mental para recordar siempre este día.
...mi carta de despedida...

Dear all,

The time to leave has finally come and a part of me finds it really difficult as it's a mix of different feelings at the same time. It's like a weird confusion, really hard to explain.

I just wanted to say thank you for these seven months I spent with you all. Danone was a very important pillar in this new life I've decided to start here in The Netherlands. You will always remain in my mind as my first team, as this was the company which gave the first opportunity to this girl who changed the tropic and the sun for the cold and rainy weather just for the fun, and the love, of doing it. I certainly have to thank you all for the good moments, for the amazing details and the encouraging words. To the kindness of those gentlemen (specially Stephan ... and Tom ...) whom, without even knowing me at all, were always so polite to give me a "good morning" and a shinning smile, thank you as those simple words and those special smiles were key to brighten up the gray days.

To my team of ladies: the dearest Murielle, Bri, Conny, without your help and caring support this would have never been the same, thanks for giving me the best of you. To my foods team, I learned a lot with you, you cannot imagine, and I will be forever grateful for that. Willem and Enrique, infinitas GRACIAS (infinite thanks) for your patience during our december madness and my constant doubts and mistakes regarding PO's. Thanks for understanding that I hate numbers and, of course, Excel.

To my favorite argentinian lady, gracias por los ratitos de espanol en los pasillos :) y por el chimichurri que esta buenisimo, visteeee?

I'm changing all this for chasing a personal dream. To continue with the search that brought me here on the first place. Nevertheless, I will always keep you as a very special memory and as a keepsake of all the good things still to come. You helped me with my first step. Now is time to keep walking.

As I hate good byes, I will give you all a "see you later", a short "hasta luego", as good people is always welcomed back in our lives no matter the path we will be on. So I hope to see most of you once again (or twice, or many many times).

For those who will like to keep in touch, I will leave my contact details here below.
For the rest, thanks once more and see you later.

My best regards today and always,


...las cosas si pueden cambiar :)
...feliz Valentín a mi y feliz nueva vida...

...times are, definitely, changing...

06 febrero 2012

...this is your life!

[...and the sky is full of dreams
but you don't know how to fly.
I don't have a simple answer,
but I know that I could answer something better...]

The Killers.

05 febrero 2012

03 febrero 2012

"Fall seven times. Stand up eight."